Statistics & Research about La Quinta,CA - Palm Valley Insurance Services Inc

Here are some statistics & research about La Quinta,CA an area served by Palm Valley Insurance Services Inc

Phone : 760-775-7256

Car dealers nearby Palm Valley Insurance Services Inc

Chevrolet Cadillac Of La Quinta

Chevrolet Cadillac of La Quinta, 79225 Highway 111, LA QUINTA, CA 92253
La Quinta,CA
Phone: (760) 989-4885

Real estate research for area nearby Palm Valley Insurance Services Inc

Place Home value($) Median Rent($) Rental yield($)
Salton City 92,800 822 10.6
Salton Sea Beach 61,200 1090 21.4
North Shore 75,000 691 11.1
Palm Springs 285,700 958 4.0
Idyllwild 250,200 1073 5.1
Vista Santa Rosa 221,900 1048 5.7
Coachella 150,900 873 6.9
Indio Hills 170,100 1294 9.1
Garnet 100,600 1121 13.4

Number of one bedroom houses in places near by Palm Valley Insurance Services Inc

Place name Number of one bedroom hoses
Salton City 144
Salton Sea Beach 73
North Shore 15
Palm Springs 6870
Idyllwild 1116
Vista Santa Rosa 149
Coachella 292
Indio Hills 22
Garnet 164
Cathedral City-Palm Desert 7494
Bermuda Dunes 153
La Quinta 1275
Anza 233
Indian Wells 338

Number of 30 Year old houses in places near by Palm Valley Insurance Services Inc

Place name Number of 30 year old houses
Salton City 100500
Salton Sea Beach 89100
North Shore 105800
Palm Springs 223800
Idyllwild 231600
Vista Santa Rosa 233300
Coachella 121200
Indio Hills 166700
Garnet 65000
Cathedral City-Palm Desert 290500
Bermuda Dunes 284300
La Quinta 275700
Anza 124900
Indian Wells 678500

Number of houses with five or more bedrooms in places near by Palm Valley Insurance Services Inc

Place name Number of five bedroom or above five bedroom hoses
Salton City 15
Palm Springs 405
Idyllwild 139
Vista Santa Rosa 1
Coachella 607
Indio Hills 60
Garnet 42
Cathedral City-Palm Desert 1266
Bermuda Dunes 54
La Quinta 468
Anza 24
Indian Wells 66

Number of 20 Year old houses in places near by Palm Valley Insurance Services Inc

Place name Number of 20 year old houses
Salton City 106800
North Shore 75300
Palm Springs 359600
Idyllwild 362200
Vista Santa Rosa 223800
Coachella 129400
Garnet 96800
Cathedral City-Palm Desert 366300
Bermuda Dunes 360600
La Quinta 329100
Anza 458100
Indian Wells 819100